We are excited to now offer annual memberships! Membership IS NOT required to shoot at Saltwaters, we are open to the public.
Range members
Shooting hours are from 9 AM until 5 PM, Wed thru Sun. During DST (from 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of November) our hours are 9 AM until 7 PM. Access to shooting areas are subject to availability. We are not required to notify you if a match or class is taking up an area of the range that may be closed until completion of that event. Also, during range maintenance periods some or all of the ranges may be closed.
How to sign up
To expedite the process, download and print the application form here, fill it out and bring it to the range. Memberships will only be processed at the range between 9 AM and 4:30 PM. Membership can be paid via cash, check or credit/debit card. Memberships start on July 1st and expire on June 30th of the following year. If you join midterm, we prorate the the cost of the membership package you select. New members will also be required to pay an additional $65 initiation fee.
If you have any questions about membership, please email us at membership@saltwatersshootingclub.com